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HR 1000, the Jobs for All Act

Updated: Dec 9, 2018

Learn about HR 1000, the Jobs for All Act in 7 easy steps

1. What is HR 1000, the Jobs for All Act?    

HR 1000, the “the Jobs for All Act” is a congressional bill that provides enough jobs for everyone who wants to work. Creating a “real’ full employment economy.

Under this Act, the Federal Government will use all available means to create and maintain conditions which promote useful job opportunities for all who seek them.

2. …but the economy is doing well, why do we need a jobs program?    

Even as the U.S. economy improves and the national unemployment rates drops below 4%; the economy still does not provide enough jobs to employ everyone who wants to work.

Plus, the official unemployment rate does not account for people who are working part-time jobs because they cannot find full-time jobs. Or people who have stopped looking for work due to long-term unemployment.

3. How will HR 1000 Create Jobs?

H.R. 1000 would establish a National Full Employment Trust Fund with two accounts. One account would be used for direct job creation. The second account would fund job placement services and job training programs in which the participants would be paid a stipend.

States, local governments, and Indian tribes will be able to receive grants from National Full Employment Trust Fund in order to create job opportunities for unemployed and underemployed individuals while addressing community needs and reducing inequalities in health, housing, education, job readiness and public infrastructure.

4. How will we pay for HR 1000?

Money for the National Full Employment Trust Fund would come from a small tax on Wall Street trading of financial instruments such as stocks, bonds, derivatives, futures, options, and credit default swaps.

This tax would put Wall Street to work building an economy that works for everyone by directing money to create jobs and support public services and infrastructure.

5. How many jobs will HR 1000 create?

Overall, HR 1000 would directly create 6 million new jobs and paid training positions. Plus, about 2 million more jobs would be created indirectly through program spending that would stimulate the private sector economy during a recession or after a recession.

6. What kind of jobs would HR 1000 create?

HR 1000 will fund various public programs and projects that will create jobs by…

Creating special programs to obtain equal access to education, training, employment, and entrepreneurial opportunitiesProviding a wide variety of human services, including the increase of staffing levels in existing agencies and programs.Creating green jobs through a wide range of environmental initiatives to conserve natural resources, remedy environmental damage, reverse climate change, and achieve environmental sustainability.Expanding work-study opportunities for secondary and post-secondary students, and creating “bridge employment” for recent graduates unable to find work.Repairing and rebuilding roads, bridges, and other infrastructure projects.And the list goes on…


State and local governments that receive federal job grants must consult with local residents, community leaders, labor organizations, and nonprofit community-based organizations.

Local residents will be able to help identify the needs of the community, determine parts of the local economy that are in need of employees, and make recommendations for new job opportunities in their areas.

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