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How a Federal Jobs Guarantee Can Help Democrats Win in 2024 

5-step guide on how a Federal Jobs Guarantee can unite working and low-income voters of all races to help Democrats win in 2024 

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1. What is a Federal Jobs Guarantee? 

Even in today’s economy with a low unemployment rate of 3.7%, nearly half of American families are either poor or low-wealth and struggling to afford the basic necessities of life. Plus, the official unemployment rate does not account for the more than 4 million Americans who are working part-time but can not find full-time jobs.


A Federal Jobs Guarantee is a government policy that would provide a job for any adult who is unable to find full-time work. All jobs created under this program will pay a living wage plus health care coverage, paid family, and sick leave. The government would create jobs by investing in health care, education, infrastructure, climate change solutions, and other socially useful goods and services.


By reducing the fear of unemployment, a Federal Jobs Guarantee will also increase the bargaining power of all working people from the bottom up to gain higher wages and better working conditions at a time when workers and unions are standing up across the country.

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